Darker Waters Camera Sync Darker Waters LTD
Take a picture of this code to sync your images to
Drop time-image here
Drag to camera...
Drop files here
Download individual files
I can see that you are choosing to use Safari as your browser. I am sorry but downloading files in Safari is very horrible in JavaScript. You can proceed but be prepared for a long wait... You might consider using Google's Chrome browser instead?
You will need your browser's settings to not ask permission for each file.
Or be prepared to press <OK> a lot...
change browser settings
Package files into zip
Split zip into packages:
N.B. In some browsers, notably Chrome, it will fail to download large (>400MB) files so splitting into small (~50) files will solve this...
Sorry but the software could not decode the image, please enter the 14 digit code below:

In Safari we have to use Flash 10 to download this file, press <Save To Disk> on each file to download and save the file... Please be patient and wait for Safari to do it's thing, it can take a while!... Sorry about this, you would be much better off in Chrome (o;